Environmental Research Institute
Hello, World!
The Environmental Research Institute (ERI) is based in Thurso, Scotland and is part of the University of the Highlands and Islands, North Highlands. Since 1999 our multidisciplinary team has sought to transcend scientific boundaries to undertake and promote high-calibre research, innovation, and education in the environmental sciences that ‘makes a difference’. We aspire to excellence in all we do.
We seek to advance scientific understanding of contemporary environmental issues using our proximity to outstanding natural resources combined with state-of-the-art facilities. We advance our goals though development of networks with strong, strategic partnerships and collaborations with academic, commercial and stakeholder organisations within regional, national and international contexts.
We aim to ensure that our work has tangible value to society, helping address new societal, economic and policy challenges related to use and management of the natural environment and its resources, and responding to changes in the environmental, organisational, financial and political landscapes In doing so, we seek to contribute to the University mission of having a transformational impact on the region’s economy, people and communities.

Our Vision
A natural environment that is healthy, sustainable and valued by all.

Our Mission
To provide dynamic leadership in research, innovation and education that advances undemanding and informs management of our natural environment.

Our Strategic Priorities
As part of UHI North, West and Hebrides, our strategic priorities are:
Research: To develop a vibrant culture of research that is recognised for its regional impact & international excellence
Learning and Teaching: To provide students with outstanding and relevant learning opportunities
Partnerships: To develop our partnerships to maximise our impact on regional redevelopment
And our cross-cutting themes are ‘Sustainability’ and ‘Net zero’ and Enterprise, all of which are part of the UHI Strategic Plan 2021-2025.
Our Themes
ERI activity is focused on the following issue-driven, interdisciplinary themes:
Energy: Renewable energy and the environment
Pollution: Understanding environmental contamination and developing sustainable solutions
Peatlands: Linking carbon, water, biodiversity and climate
Society: Connecting environment, economy and society

Our Values
We value research, learning and teaching and partnership activity that is:
Aspirational: characterised by excellence at all levels
Relevant: addressing contemporary environmental issues and ensure that policy, management and legislative decision making is informed by robust, high-quality science
Recognised: regionally, nationally, and internationally for quality and reliability
Distinctive: capitalising on the scientific strengths of the ERI and its partners and on the outstanding and often unique environmental assets of the region
Innovative: bring new knowledge and creative thinking into practice Inter- and multi-interdisciplinary – an environment devoid of disciplinary boundaries and well adapted to addressing issues and solving problems
Collaborative: forming effective working relationships regionally, nationally and internationally with key partners from the academic, business, stakeholder and educational sectors