Operations and Finance Manager (ERI)

Barbara Bremner

Member of NWH Research and KE Management group, contributing to management and daily operation of ERI. Responsible for financial and project management within ERI including budgetary oversight and signatory; financial reporting and claims. Responsible for implementing contractual procedures for all research (non UKRI) and grant awards within ERI. Currently as project manager, lead on specific work packages (Innovate UK _SATE2) and/ or contribute to funded projects (H2020 ROBINSON). Regular liaison with UHI Grants team over all UKRI proposals (finance/claims and audit). Operational activities include oversight of procurement and business continuity and supporting colleagues within research and KE across UHI NWH staff. Coordinator for outreach activity including student placements and STEM activity. 

  • Following graduation, undertook offshore environmental monitoring for oil and gas developments before joining Nature Conservancy Council as Marine Officer. Transitioned to Area Officer and rural development within Scottish Natural Heritage (20 years +). Joined Environmental Research Institute in 2011. Currently member of ERI Management. 

  • Currently work Package lead (WP6) for Sustainable Aviation Test Environment (SATE 2 _innovate UK);  WP8 (project management) ROBINSON project EU  H2020. Previously, Finance Manager for HUGE project/ERI Lead (Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic 2019-2022); Project Manager and steering group member for PHOS4YOU (Interreg North West Europe 2016-2021); Project Lead for TURNKEY project  (Interreg Atlantic Areas 2013-2016).