Elizabeth’s research interests relate to the potential impacts of human activities (such as renewable energy and marine litter) on the environment, with a particular focus on seabirds. She also has an interest in cumulative impacts related to renewable energy.  

  • 2016 – Present: Research Fellow 

    2010 – 2015: Post-Doctoral Research Associate 

    2007 – 2010: PhD – Assessing cumulative impacts of wind farms on birds (University of Glasgow) 

    2005 – 2006: MRes Ecology and Environmental Management (University of York)  

    2000 – 2004: BSc (Hons) Marine and Environmental Biology (University of St Andrews with exchange year at UC Santa Cruz) 

  • Elizabeth is currently working on the EU-funded ROBINSON project ROBINSON - Robinson (robinson-h2020.eu) - smart integRation Of local energy sources and innovative storage for flexiBle, secure and cost-efficIent eNergy Supply ON industrialized islands 

    She is also working on the Norwegian Funding Council funded projects: 

    MARCIS MARCIS (nina.no) – Marine spatial planning and cumulative impacts of blue growth on seabirds  

    CASCADES CASCADES (nina.no) - Understanding human-induced trophic cascades in coastal ecosystems 

    Elizabeth has previously worked on a range of projects related to the impacts of human activities/developments on birds including: 

    Developing methods for cumulative impact assessments in relation to marine renewables and seabirds https://gotw.nerc.ac.uk/list_full.asp?pcode=NE%2FK501475%2F1

    Developing an avian collision risk model to incorporate variability and uncertainty https://gotw.nerc.ac.uk/list_full.asp?pcode=NE%2FL002728%2F1

  • PhD students:

    Lucy Mortlock (Current) -Investigating multiple stressors on waterbirds in the Flow Country, including interactions with predators, responses to land use change and intraspecific competition

    Chloe Cargill (Current) - Towards enhanced black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) metapopulation modelling in the context of global change and renewable energy development 

    Samuel Langlois Lopez (2024) - The foraging ecology of great black-backed gulls and their potential effects on puffin populations 

    Natalie Isaksson (2023) - Seabird use of tidal stream environments and potential interactions with tidal energy devices 

    Melissa Costagliola-Ray (2023) - Quantification of seabird use of tidal environments: Novel methods to address potential biases in vantage point survey data 

    Nicola Largey (2021) - Investigating bird flight characteristics and habitat use to better understand ornithological impacts of wind farms 

    Daniel Johnston (2019) - Investigating the foraging ecology of black guillemots Cepphus grylle in relation to tidal stream turbines and marine protected areas 

    Helen Wade (2015) - Investigating the potential effects of marine renewable energy developments on seabirds