Dr Lonneke Goddijn-Murphy
External ERI Associate
Dr Lonneke Goddijn-Murphy is an experimental physicist and has been conducting research on various aspects of the sea surface such as, ocean colour, marine plastic pollution, air-sea gas exchange of greenhouse gases, oceanic whitecapping, ocean waves and wave energy. The focus has been on the use of remote sensing.
Lonneke is a team member of the IOCCG Task Force on Remote Sensing of Marine Litter and Debris, Core Topic 1: Technologies.
2024 - Present: External ERI Associate.
2017 - 2024: Research Fellow, Environmental Research Institute (ERI), University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI).
2009 - 2017: Postdoctoral Research Associate, ERI, UHI.
2002 - 2007: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Galway, Ireland
1984 - 1990: Master of Science (MSc), Experimental Physics, Leiden University, Netherlands.
DECOYS pyroplastic pebble detection
Dr Lonneke Goddijn-Murphy and Highlands based artist Emma Gibson embarked on a period of research and development culminating in an art/science project that will focus on a new kind of stealth plastic pollution named ‘pyroplastic pebbles’, using a combination of pioneering thermal imaging techniques and creative fabrication.
TISPLALI (Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing of marine Plastic Litter)
The European Space Agency (ESA) launched the Discovery and Preparation – OSIP (Open Space Innovation Platform) Campaign on Remote Sensing of Plastic Marine Litter to invite businesses, universities, organisations and individuals to submit novel ideas to detect and track marine plastic litter from space. The North Highland College UHI’s Environmental Research Institute was successful with their idea to monitor marine plastic pollution based on thermal infrared (TIR) sensing. They received €121,323 from ESA to undertake their 18-month project (2020 – 2021) “Thermal Infrared Sensing for marine Plastic Litter” (TISPLALI), led by Dr. Lonneke Goddijn-Murphy. (link)
Spectral remote sensing of marine plastic litter
Dr. Lonneke Goddijn-Murphy has been funded by the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland is through a Research Incentive Grant to undertake pioneering research in the spectral remote sensing of floating plastic litter (2017-2018). She has developed a reflectance model of sunlight interacting with a plastic littered water surface, based on geometrical optics and the spectral signatures of plastic and seawater, backed up by measurements with a field spectrometer.
OceanFlux GHG and OceanFlux GHG – Evolution
Dr. Lonneke Goddijn-Murphy is a Co-investigator in this ESA funded project that exploits the synergistic use of satellite Earth observation data, in situ data and models. During the two 2-year projects (from 2011-2013 and 2014-2016), she has been leading the research in measuring air-sea gas transfer velocity, k, of greenhouse gases (GHG) using satellite remote sensing. Her work has resulted in numerous peer-reviewed publications and the air-sea algorithms for k she has developed are integrated in the projects FluxEngine, an open-source, online tool for calculating air-sea gas fluxes.
Dr. Lonneke Goddijn-Murphy was work package leader “Resource Optimization” of the Atlantic Area Programme funded project TURNKEY (Transforming Underutilised Renewable Natural Resource into Key Energy Yields), a transnational collaboration lead by the ERI. As part of this 21-month project (2014-2015), she developed an innovative satellite altimetry algorithm for estimating wave energy resources near the coast.