Dr Philippe Gleizon
Research Fellow
Philippe has an academic background in fluid mechanics, specialised in physical oceanography. Throughout his career he developed numerical models for hydrodynamics, sediment transport and water quality in the coastal environment, modelled environmental radioactivity in the marine environment to assess the dose to human and biota, and performed environmental impact assessments.
After joining the Environmental Research Institute, he specialised on marine renewable energy. He developed a spectral wave model of the Scottish Seas, which was used under various research programmes and collaborations.
In more recent years, Philippe progressively took prominent responsibilities in learning and teaching, including the leadership of a Master’s course on sustainable energy, the leadership and lecturing of several modules. He also contributed or is contributing to the development of new modules on future energy, maths and physics and marine resource modelling.
2016 – present: Program leader and lecturer – University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI). MSc Sustainable Energy Solutions
2011 – present: Research Fellow - Environmental Research Institute (ERI). Physical oceanography modeller
2011: Senior consultant – EnviroCentre. Environmental impact assessment
1997 – 2010: Consultant – Westlakes Scientific Consulting. Environmental radioactivity; Numerical code development and maintenance; Marine radioactivity and water quality assessment
1995 – 1997: Post-doctorate research assistant – University of Plymouth. Estuarine sedimentology
1990 – 1994: PhD research fellow – University of Grenoble I. Oceanography; Reduced model simulations
MaREE (2011-2013): Regional programme aiming at the exploration the environmental issues related to marine renewable energy development in the Highlands and Islands and socio-economics internal to the region. Philippe was involved in the resource and risk theme, studying the wave energy resources.
EnergyMare (2012-2016): European programme (Interreg Atlantic Area) aiming at creating a transnational cooperation network to enhance the marine renewable energy production, joint exploration of the potential of innovative sources of energy coming from the sea, development of pilot projects and cooperation to overcome the existing barriers.
Philippe actively contributed to the knowledge of marine environment and exploration of wave energy resources. He presented his work in numerous conferences and was the lead author of a book chapter.
Yam Pro Energy (2018): Short project (Innovation voucher) in collaboration with an Israeli wave energy start-up company, providing a screening assessment of wave energy resources.
Director of studies of four PhD students to completion:
Giacomo Marchi – On current and sea level anomalies in the Pentland Firth
Juvenal Dufaur (MPhil) – Characteristics of the turbulent flow in the Inner Sound, tidal development site in the Pentland Firth, Scotland
Matteo Marasco – Structure and coherence of flow though a tidally energetic channel measured by high frequency radar
Clare Macdowall - The effects of wave-current interaction on marine energy generation in tidally energetic channels under high wave conditions
Supervision of multiple MSc dissertations