Prof. Roxane Andersen
Professor of Peatland Sciences
I am a Senior Research Fellow with the Environmental Research Institute (ERI) in Thurso, part of the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI). I lead the “Peatlands” theme which focusses on developing a better understanding of peatland resilience in the face of land use and climate change. Within the UHI, my role as a Professor of Peatland Science is to develop applied peatland research that can inform policy development both in Scotland and globally. All my projects are multi-disciplinary and most involve industrial or multi-stakeholder partnerships.
2021: UHI’s Professor of Peatland Sciences
2016: Senior Research Fellow - Environmental Research Institute
2012: Research Fellow (2012) Environmental Research Institute (UHI)
2012: Post-Doctoral Fellowship - Jointly between James Hutton Institute (Scotland) and University of Waterloo (Canada). Quebec’s Fund for Natural Sciences and Technology Research fellowship.
2009: Ph.D. Plant Sciences - Department of plant sciences, Laval University, Canada. National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) scholarship & International mobility grant. Supervisor: Prof. L. Rochefort.
2005: M.Sc. Plant Sciences - National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) scholarship
2003: BSc Biochemistry
Selected recent:
Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership Highland Distillers. Innovate UK. PI. (2024-2027)
Improving MOdelling approaches to assess climate change-related THresholds and Ecological Range SHIfts in the Earth's Peatland ecosystems (MOTHERSHIP). NERC Large Grant. NE/V01854X/1. Co-I. (2022-2027)
Developing a new understanding of blanket bog resilience – from molecules to landscapes. Leverhulme Research Leadership Award. (2020-2025)
Bog Breathing as a monitoring tool for peatland restoration. Co-I. NatureScot Peatland ACTION & Forestry Land Scotland commissioned research. (2019-2023)
Developing a statistical methodology for the assessment and management of peatland (StAMP). NERC directed grant NE/T010118/1. Co-I. (2020-2022)
Current: Jake Tuuli, John King, Callum Thompson, Rob Hughes, Rob McHenry, Sam Webber
Completed: Liam Godwin, Iain Detrey, Henk Pieter Sterk, Jasmijn Sybenga, Ainoa Fernandez-Pravia, David Braidwood, Joss Ratcliffe, Paul Gaffney